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Jimmy Fallon’s bit comes right at the beginning of the video:

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Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party’s upcoming update has been submitted to Nintendo. KnapNok Games confirmed the news earlier this month, while also noting that the studio hopes to have it ready for release in January.

KnapNok wrote on Twitter:

The new update for Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party is fairly substantial. It’ll add several games, all free for owners of the software.


GameStop posted the boxart for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on its official Twitter account earlier today. You can find the packaging shot below.

3DS owners can now download a small update for the system. Version 7.1.0-15 makes “Further improvements to overall system stability” and provides “other minor adjustments” to the “user experience,” Nintendo has confirmed. Note that you’ll need the latest firmware in order to access the eShop.

Thanks to Carlos D for the tip.

This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no Obake-tachi Kanzen Full Set – 500 yen (or the whole set of 4 for 1,500 yen)
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to Obake-tachi Gekimuzu-hen – 500 yen
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to Obake-tachi J?shiki-hen – 500 yen
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to  Obake-tachi Choimuzu-hen – 500 yen
Dokopon Choice Kitchen no Ohime-sama 1-10-kan Pack – 4,200 yen
Karous – The Best of Re:Eden (retail title) – 6,090 yen
Pokémon Bank – FREE (30 Day free trail available to those that download on or before 2/21, then 500 yen per year)
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no Obake-tachi Kanzen Full Set DEMO – FREE
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to Obake-tachi Gakimuzu-hen DEMO – FREE
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to Obake-tachi J?shiki-hen DEMO – FREE
Otona vs Gureko Kanji no T? to Obake-tachi Choimuzu-hen DEMO – FREE
Puyo Puyo Tetris DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console
Kage no Densetsu (The Legend of Kage, Famicom) – 500 yen

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Trine 2: MIttsu no Chikara Fukashigi no Mori – 1,800 yen
Machigai Sagashi Party – 500 yen
Puyo Puyo Tetris DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console
Double Dragon (Famicom) – 500 yen
Romancing Sa-Ga 2 (Super Famicom) – 800 yen


Shovel Knight will launch on March 31, Yacht Club Games has confirmed. The game’s second trailer can be found above.

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