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With Lapis x Labyrinth finally receiving a release date for the west, some early preview videos are starting to hit the internet.

As such, Nintendo World Report TV has published a 12 minute video covering gameplay of the upcoming title. The footage can be viewed below.

Working towards the game’s launch, Capcom has released a new set of screenshots for the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy that center around both Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth.

This is the first set in a four week series of screenshots that will introduce the game’s characters. The screens can be viewed below.

With this week’s issue of Famitsu, Bandai Namco has officially released a slew of new details for the recently revealed SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays.

This includes notes on the game’s development, the amount of Mobile suits in the game, and gameplay mechanics.

A full translation of the information has been provided by Gematsu. We have also included it below.

Nintendo will soon be kicking off the next ARMS Party Crash Bash. For those who missed it, the event is being held to determine the game’s best character.

The sixth round will be hosted next week. This time around, Ribbon Girl and Misango are the featured characters. The theme is “Song and Dance Battle”.

The latest ARMS Party Crash Bash event goes live on February 1. It’ll last until February 4.



Death end re;Quest may have a chance of coming to Switch. That’s based on a new listing from Amazon Italy, which lists the game.

One aspect to consider is the release date the retailer has. Amazon Italy claims that Death end re;Quest is coming to Switch on February 22, which is the release date for the PlayStation 4 version. That would be oddly close since there’s yet to even be an official announcement. It’s unclear if the listing itself is a mistake, or if the date is just a placeholder.

Here’s a trailer for Compile Heart’s RPG: Death end re;Quest


The Walking Dead: The Final Season is getting a physical release, according to a listing on Amazon. There’s no indication regarding its availability as the page contains a tentative December 31 release date.

The last episode from The Walking Dead: The Final Season launches on March 26. We should be seeing the physical version sometime after then.

Thanks to JPSWITCHMANIA for the tip.


It was announced last month that Cytus Alpha is hitting Japan on April 25. Today, PM Studios and acttil followed up with some news for the west.

Cytus Alpha, a rhythm game from Rayark, will also be launching this April in the west. A specific date will be shared in the future. That’s not all though, as a physical version is confirmed for North America, and the initial release will come with a special CD that has music from [Chapter Ω].

GameMill Entertainment has announced American Ninja Warrior Challenge for Switch, which is based on NBC’s show American Ninja Warrior. A release is planned for March 19.

Here’s a brief overview:

Warner Bros. today shared the first trailer for The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame. You can get a look at the video below.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 71,139
PS4 – 9,505
PS4 Pro – 6,958
New 2DS LL – 3,767
Vita – 1,755
New 3DS LL – 1,514
2DS – 158
Xbox One X – 94
Xbox One – 24

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