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Nippon Ichi sent out a new batch of details and screenshots for Destiny Connect today. Today’s update primarily covers three new characters and Isaac’s Gear and Form Change systems. We’ve rounded up everything below, courtesy of Gematsu.

Grasshopper Manufacture issued the latest video for Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes today. Watch the “Golden Dragon GP” trailer below.

As billed earlier in the week, the “Now You’re Playing With Spirit Power!” Spirit Board event is now live in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Players will see an increased spawn rate of iconic characters from the NES, Famicom, and the Famicom Disk System up until midnight of January 7th.

Throughout the event, users will also encounter the Donkey Kong and Lady, Link (The Legend of Zelda), and Sukapon Legend class Spirits as the focus of the time period.

RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore

Nicalis put out the second developer video for RemiLore today. View it below to learn more about the various game modes, upgrades, and unlockable features in the hack-and-slash action game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Datamining has led to all sorts of information being uncovered early about games in the past. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate might be the latest example of this – specifically regarding DLC.

Fans have been poking through Smash Bros. Ultimate’s files and may have come across possible information regarding future DLC characters. Obviously, if you’re looking to avoid any potential spoilers, you may want to skip what we cover below.

Sometimes you end up working on a dream project without initially realizing it. That’s what happened with Abby Trott, who is the English singer behind Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s “Lifelight” theme.

In an interview with Puissance Nintendo, Trott said she cried when she found out what game she had been singing for. She’s a “life-long fan of Nintendo,” so being involved with Smash Bros. Ultimate was “really special”.

Nintendo has readied a new overview trailer for tomorrow’s release of Fitness Boxing. Watch the overview trailer below.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

New information has been published that reveals the UK’s best-selling games of 2018. Not only that, but we have actual concrete data for each title.

One of the more interesting tidbits concerns Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That title ended up selling more in 2018 (458,675 copies) compared to 2017 (341,531 copies).

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Ahead of the “Now You’re Playing With Spirit Power!” Spirit Board event set to take place in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this weekend, Nintendo has officially revealed three of the retro Spirits that will be part of the Focus.

As was somewhat teased in the promotional image that was put out for the event yesterday, both the Donkey Kong & Lady and Sukapon Spirits will be highlighted. In addition, the Link (The Legend of Zelda) Spirit will appear more frequently. Each of these three Spirits are Legend class.

Source, Via

Onimusha: Warlords is finally appearing on a Nintendo system for the first time with its Switch release. View a comparison below showing how it stacks up to the PlayStation 2 original.

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