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This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. There aren’t many deals, but you can see what the retailer is offering below.



Nintendo stuff is towards the end of the video. There’s also a bit at the beginning of Conan with the Bayonetta 2 cosplayer.

Armikrog isn’t guaranteed to be fully funded on Kickstarter. Donations have kicked up considerably over the past couple of days, but there’s still roughly $65,000 needed before the $900,000 goal is reached. The Wii U stretch goal also looms at $950,000.

So what will happen if Armikrog misses out on its Wii U target? Nothing, really! Animation director Mike Dietz recently said that the team will simply take pre-orders through Paypal and “continue funding the game.”

“If we fund the game through Kickstarter but fall a little short of the 950K Wii U stretch goal, we’ll open up a Paypal site to take pre-orders to continue funding the game. I feel confident we can make up the difference after the KS ends.”

Dietz also shared a little information regarding the Wii U version of Armikrog. It will contain exclusive content, but Dietz didn’t reveal any specifics.

“We’re still working through the design and how Armikrog will best utilize the unique capabilities of the Wii U, but it is safe to say there will be content exclusive to the Wii U.”


Yoichi Wada stepped down as Square Enix CEO back in March. But he’s still very much with the company. And his new position at Square Enix is a bit surprising.

While Wada is no longer CEO, he is Chairman of the Board. The move was made sometime this month despite Square Enix’s previous announcement that Wada would not be reappointed to Board of Directors.


Despite what was listed in the official European Nintendo Downloads press release, F1 Race Stars Powered Up Edition will not be releasing on the Wii U eShop this week. Codemasters, the game’s official developer and publisher, confirmed the news. The company hopes to ”confirm timings for F1 Race Stars very shortly”.


Dreamfall Chapters, a new 3D adventure game that was successfully funded through Kickstarter, will be coming to next-generation consoles.

Lead developer Ragnar Tornquist told Eurogamer:

“We are preparing to go to consoles, without officially announcing anything. We are keen on getting this game to as many people as possible. The game works extremely well in a TV/couch scenario – it’s a perfect game for that. We’re building a game that has cross-platform technology anyway, so I think the chances are extremely good that we’ll land on one or both of the next-gen consoles.”

Tornquist additionally noted that there are hopes of getting Dreamfall Chapters on Wii U. It really comes down to the console’s ability to handle the game – there’s a chance that it won’t be powerful enough, though discussions are ongoing with Nintendo as well.

“We are also in dialogue with Nintendo. We’re going to be looking at it. We can’t make any promises because the the Wii U, it’s underpowered compared to the next-gen consoles and PC obviously – I don’t think that’s a secret or Nintendo would get upset at me. We’re going to look at getting the game running on Wii U and then we’ll make decisions depending on how that goes and what we see the market possibilities are doing. Like I said, we don’t want to exclude anything, so we’ll try anything.”


When the Wii U launched, Miiverse users could only write messages up to 100 characters in length. That limit has been increased with a new update to the social network today. Going forward, all Miiverse members can create notes that are up to 200 characters long.


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