Update: Thanks to the Japanese update page, we can confirm what we all expected: improved stability. This should be the standard line when the English page has the patch notes: “Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience”.
Nintendo has made a new 3DS firmware update available. Across regions, version 10.4.0-29 is available for download.
We’re actually still waiting for patch notes on this one. However, given the version number change, it’s unlikely to have brought along significant functionality.
Update 3 (1/18): Bumped to the top yet again. Finally available for in-store pickup!
Update 2 (1/15): Bumped to the top. This is now officially live on Best Buy for shipping. Still no in-store pickup.
Update: Best Buy’s page may not have fully updated yet. It’s currently in-store pickup only, and users are unable to select a local Best Buy. Post will be updated again when it’s up properly.
Yesterday, GameStop started taking pre-orders for the New 3DS Pokemon 20th Anniversary Edition. Reservations are now up on Best Buy as well. To pre-order a system, head on over here.
You can still pre-order on GameStop by the way! It sold out for a few hours last night, but has since returned (now with a “limited quantities” label).
Two amiibo are down to their lowest prices yet on Amazon. You can pick up Chibi-Robo for $7, and Tom Nook
for only $5.48. Amazon sales tend to come and go, so be sure to grab them if you have any interest!
Our latest look at Aperion Cyberstorm shows off the game’s campaign mode. Get a look at the ice world in the video below.
Hyrule Warriors Legends can now be pre-loaded on the Japanese 3DS eShop. To download the game, players need 16,109 blocks of free space (1.97GB). The overall download might be just slightly higher, but that’s pretty much how big Hyrule Warriors Legends is!
You may remember Rynn’s Adventure: Trouble in the Enchanted Forest, an indie platformer we brought up last April. It was planned for launch in Fall 2015 at the time, but those plans changed as we all now know.
Development on Rynn’s Adventure: Trouble in the Enchanted Forest is now complete. At the moment, Arcane Four Studios is working on certification to bring it to Wii U and Xbox One. The 3DS version will follow at a later date.
Watch a new trailer for Rynn’s Adventure: Trouble in the Enchanted Forest below.
Do you have an old DS lying around? If so, Anthony Thomas can take it apart and reconfigure the system into a “Game Boy Macro”. This is done by removing the top screen, adjusting the placement of the speakers, and touching it up a bit.
Thomas isn’t taking any additional orders currently due to an overwhelming response. To give you an idea of the cost though, it’s $130 if he provides all of the materials, and $110 if you send in the DS. There are standard colors like white, black, and red, but custom colors can be done for a few dollars extra.
You can find the Game Boy Macro site here. View some photos in the gallery below.
The latest issue of V Jump has revealed a brand new Dragon Ball game for 3DS known as “Dragon Ball: Project Fusion”. Not much is known at the moment, but it’s an all-new experience in the RPG genre. A fusion between Goku and Broly is also featured.
Dragon Ball: Project Fusion will release in Japan later this year. Pricing has not been announced.

Shadow Puppeteer was originally listed for release on January 21 in Europe on the Wii U eShop. That date has since changed, and the game is now expected on January 28. We’ll let you know if we hear about the release date moving again.
The official Medabots Girls Mission website has posted the game’s two boxarts. We’ve attached both above.