Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – interview with game directors
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Capcom put up an official interview with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda. Watch it in full below.
Questions asked in the video include (with times during the video):
0:42 Could you give us an overview of the monster design process?
1:43 What was the most challenging monster to develop?
3:00 Which returning monster was the most challenging to bring to the MH4U gameplay engine?
4:09 What was the most fun monster to design?
5:33 Which was the most challenging weapon to balance in MH4U?
7:18 How was the process of balancing the Life Honing feature?
9:07 How did you come up with the Charge Blade’s Guard Point mechanic?
11:07 How did you come up with the specific features to Seregios’s weapons (Auto-Sharpening, Auto-Reload)?
12:47 How did you settle on Mounting as the core feature of MH4U?
And questions that aren’t specific to the game:
14:51 Why is Monoblos only available for hunting in Single-Player quests?
16:15 What is the language the Diva uses while singing?
17:48 How is a flagship monster created, and why is that a necessary feature of the game?
Game Freak wants 2016 a great year of Pokemon celebrations
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 6 Comments
This week’s issue of Famitsu features comments from various developers about what’s in store for 2016. For Pokemon developer Game Freak, the studio shared the following:
“2016 is Pokémon’s 20th anniversary. We’d like to make it into a great year of celebrations.”
There are a couple of other Nintendo-related comments from other developers as well. Here’s what Arc System Works and Koei Tecmo said:
Arc System Works: We have various things planned out for the excitement of Kunio-kun series’ 30th anniversary.
Koei Tecmo: Attack on Titan, Yo-kai Watch: Three Kingdoms, Ni-Oh,and more. There are many big titles that we wouldn’t able to fit in here, along with some amazing titles that we’ve yet to announce.
More: Arc System Works, Famitsu, Game Freak, interview, Koei Tecmo
Tezuka on his goal with Super Mario Maker, Nintendo wants to make “in sync with the times”, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
Earlier today, Bloomberg published a new article featuring brief statements from Nintendo developer Takashi Tezuka.
First, Tezuka noted the following about modernizing Mario:
“We thought he should be a character that’s free to do anything. Mario has to keep up with the times.”
Tezuka also reflected on creating Mario levels way back in the day:
“We were just having a lot of fun. It was all about seeing who can come up with something that surprises your colleagues and makes them laugh.”
More: interview, Takashi Tezuka, top
Super Mario Maker director talks about next week’s update
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
In just a few days, Super Mario Maker will be receiving a new update. We’ll be seeing new items like the Fire Koopa Clown Car, the Bookmark feature, and World Records for the different courses uploaded online. You can find the full news here and patch notes here.
Game Informer caught up with Super Mario Maker director Yosuke Oshino for some insight into next week’s update. Head past the break for comments about the Fire Koopa Clown Car, P Warp Doors, and Bumper.
More: interview, Super Mario Maker, top, Yosuke Oshino
Nintendo president says amiibo still has potential
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 12 Comments
Nintendo sees potential in amiibo. So says president Tatsumi Kimishima, who told Japanese outlet Sankei the following:
“There is still potential in amiibo. We want to make ‘the expansion of function to play with the game as a single entity’ one of the big pillars.”
Kimishima echoed something similar in an interview with TIME earlier this month. He said that Nintendo hasn’t yet established amiibo “as an enhancement for all of our software at this point.” Rather than using them in games, amiibo have instead been used “more as a collection item”.
More: Amiibo, interview, Tatsumi Kimishima, top
Splatoon devs – single-player talk, unlikely for 3DS, still no voice chat plans, no paid DLC
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 23 Comments
A few hours ago, Game Informer published a new interview with Splatoon co-director Yusuke Amano and producer Hisashi Nogami. The developers talked about things like the single-player campaign, why it wouldn’t work well on 3DS, and no plans for voice chat or paid DLC.
A good amount of Amano and Nogami’s can be found below. You can read the full interview over on Game Informer.
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, top, Yusuke Amano
Niantic on Pokemon Go – origins, big audience potential, Plus device, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Mobile, News | 3 Comments
Earlier today, GamesBeat went live with a new Niantic interview. The site spoke with chief executive John Hanke as well as chief marketing officer Mike Quigley.
Pokemon Go was, as one would expect, a pretty big part of the interview. Between Hanke and Quigley, they discussed its origins and having Nintendo on board, how the game could reach a massive audience, and the Pokemon Go Plus device the Big N is making. There are also comments about things like how Niantic wants players to be able to participate no matter how small their area is in terms of population.
Head past the break for a roundup of Hanke and Quigley’s remarks. For the original interview, visit this page.
More: interview, John Hanke, Mike Quigley, Niantic, Pokemon GO, top
Takahashi – why Xenoblade X’s data packs exist, wants next game “to look and feel pretty different”, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 18 Comments
TIME is the latest outlet to have put up an interview with Monolith Soft head Tetsuya Takahashi. Xenoblade Chronicles X’s data packs, western games, and his next project were among the topics discussed.
You can find excerpts for these interview questions below. A couple of additional topics are on TIME’s website here..
More: interview, Monolith Soft, Tetsuya Takahashi, top
Mercedes-Benz talks about its partnerships with Nintendo
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Last week, Nintendo and Mercedes-Benz teamed up for their latest partnership. The car company created and put out its own level in Super Mario Maker, which unlocks a special costume upon completion.
This was the second time Nintendo and Mercedes-Benz. In 2014, free DLC was added to Mario Kart 8 so that players could access the GLA, W 25 Silver Arrow, 300 SL Roadster, and GLA Tires.
Here’s what Caroline Pilz, head of product placement and fashion sponsoring for Mercedes-Benz Cars, said about its work with Nintendo:
“Many people grew up with Mario during the last 30 years, so there are quite a lot of 30- and 40-somethings around for which Super Mario Maker hails back to their childhood days and gives them a large dose of nostalgia. While we received a lot of positive feedback on the campaign and the integration of our cars into Mario Kart 8, we also learned that many gamers are skeptical about brands appearing in their games, so we made sure to put a lot of effort and passion into designing the actual level.”
More: interview, Mercedes-Benz, Super Mario Maker
Sakurai on Fire Emblem characters in Smash, says DLC is ending soon
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 95 Comments
All sorts of interesting information has been emerging from the Fire Emblem 25th anniversary book. Among other things, there’s an interview with Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai, which has him reflecting on the appearance of Fire Emblem characters in the series. He spoke about how Marth and Roy made it in, shared a story about re-recording Roy’s lines, and plenty more. He also commented on those who wish to see him work on an entirely new game, and noted that DLC for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS is ending soon.
We’ve picked out some tidbits and quotes from the interview below. You can read the full translation over on Source Gaming.
– Sakurai wanted to include Marth since Smash Bros. on the N64
– The hidden characters in that game were made “only on the premise of being able to reuse some movements and parts of the models of pre-existing characters”, so Marth didn’t make it
– Sakurai wanted Marth in to represent Fire Emblem and have more variety with sword-wielding characters
– Roy came up while thinking about clone characters for Melee, and his game was in development at the time
– Roy’s design from Melee was more of a suggestion, and many of his aspects were redone
– Counter moves for the Fire Emblem characters comes directly from the Fire Emblem games
– There were difficulties in trying to include Marth (such as how he never appeared overseas), but Sakurai pushed to have him in
– Discussion and internal disputes when it came to Roy
– Sakurai met with Nintendo of America while working on the game, and there was talk about removing Roy
– NoA said he’d be fun, so Roy was left in
On the selection process for the Fire Emblem characters in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS…