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Aztech Forgotten Gods delay

Aztech Forgotten Gods, the Latinx-Futurism cyberstone colossus fighter from Mulaka developer Lienzo, is experiencing a delay. It’s now on track for Q1 2022.

Aztech Forgotten Gods was announced for Switch earlier this year. Originally, it was planned for Fall 2021.

Centipede: Recharged

Publisher Atari, along with developers Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox Studios, have announced that they’ll be releasing the neon-fueled re-imagining of the arcade classic on Switch. It’s due out digitally on September 29.

Here’s an overview of the game:

The Last Friend Switch

Today, publisher Skystone Games and developer Stonebot Studio announced that The Last Friend is coming to Switch next month. The tower defense brawler will be available on September 30.

It’s been a pretty long wait for The Last Friend. When it was announced back in 2018, it was originally planned for early 2019. Needless to say, it’s taken a couple of additional years to wrap up development.

Here’s some additional information about The Last Friend as well as a trailer:

toem photo adventure release date

Something We Made has nailed down a release date for TOEM: A Photo Adventure, its hand-drawn adventure game. We’ll be seeing the title on Switch starting September 17, the studio announced today.

Here’s more on the game:

Publisher Top Hat Studios and developer Ninth Exodus today announced plans to put the post-Sovietpunk first-person shooter RPG Peripeteia on Switch. A release window has not yet been set.

Learn more about Peripeteia with the following overview:

Cruis'n Blast vehicles

Cruis’n Blast will feature over 23 vehicles, ranging from licensed supercars to dinosaurs and unicorns. Today, developer Raw Thrills shared a new trailer to show what players can expect from the different modes of transportation.

Here’s the video in full:


Publisher Eastasiasoft and developer 2Dream Corporation today announced Xenocider, a third-person rail shooter. The game will be making its way to Switch sometime in 2022.

Below is an overview of Xenocider with additional details:

The Misanthropic Girl

Famitsu is reporting that The Misanthropic Girl is currently in development for Switch. Chorus Worldwide Games will be in charge of publishing the project, which is an open-world action RPG from Hojo Games. There’s no word on release timing at present.

Unfortunately, The Misanthropic Girl hasn’t received a proper trailer just yet. However, we do have a look at pure gameplay. Get a look at the video below for 21 minutes of footage.

The Hundred Year Kingdom

According to a new report from Famitsu, Kaeru-san Games’ turn-based simulation title The Hundred Year Kingdom is on the way to Switch. Chorus Worldwide and Waku Waku Games will be bringing it to the platform in Q4 2021.

Here’s an overview of The Hundred Year Kingdom with additional details:

keywe birds

KeyWe, a postal puzzler starring the two small kiwi birds Jeff and Debra, is available on Switch starting today. To celebrate, a new launch trailer has been shared.

“We’ve loved crafting the world of Bungalow Basin and coming up with quirky mail service scenarios for our little mailbirds to solve,” said Stonewheat & Sons artist Grant Gessel of KeyWe’s release. “We hope this is the beginning of a long and successful career at the Telepost for our two feathered stars Jeff & Debra, and that players love the postal pandemonium we have in store for them.”

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