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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

We’ve been going back and forth throughout the day as to whether or not we should share this. Essentially, a post surfaced on 4chan earlier today with an image claiming to show a new character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If you’d like to see the image for yourself, continue on below.

Dark Souls: Remastered

In some parts of the world, the Dark Souls: Remastered has already kicked off. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

Update: We’ve added some photos of Chris’ experience below.

Original: Sometimes we can forget how cruel the world can be. Chris Taylor, who goes by the alias SpookyWoobler on Twitter, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer after battling the disease successfully in the past.

Unfortunately, Chris was told that he only has a few months left to live. He recently expressed fear on Twitter that he won’t make it to the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is still some ways out as it’s planned for an early December launch:

The first off-screen Langrisser I & II footage has popped up from its appearance at the Tokyo Game Show. Have a look at the gameplay below.

Sports Party

Ubisoft has officially announced Sports Party, a collection of six modern and classic sports. It’s launching physically and digitally on October 30.

Below are the first details and trailer:

Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists is on display at the Tokyo Game Show this week, and we have some off-screen footage of the playable demo. Check out the video below.

Revolution Software prepared a launch trailer to celebrate the release of Broken Sword 5 on Switch. Take a look at the video below.

Cat Quest’s physical release will take a bit longer to grace North America. It’ll take a couple of extra weeks for it to arrive, with a new date set for October 9.

Publisher PQube cited “stock delivery delays” as the reason for Cat Quest’s new release timing.


New off-screen Dragon Quest Builders 2 footage has emerged from the Tokyo Game Show. Get a look at the latest gameplay below.

While Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country was made available to Expansion Pass owners last week, it’s out today for everyone else. Watch a launch trailer below.

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