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With Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl launching next week, there’s no better time than now to familiarize yourself with the series. Amazon has the franchise’s latest entry, Etrian Odyssey IV, on sale for just $20. The game normally costs $40, so you’d be saving $20 (or 50%).



Two more prizes have recently been added to the Japanese Club Nintendo site. For 120 coins, members can choose between one of two Luigi handkerchief designs. Each is 100% cotton and measures in at about 25 × 25cm.


Pokemon Origins will be shown on Pokemon TV as a four-part event. The first episode will air on November 15, with additional ones to follow.

In celebration of the worldwide October 12 launch of the newest Pokémon video games, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for the Nintendo 3DS, an animated adventure that takes a look at a classic era of Pokémon—Pokémon Origins—begins November 15 only on Pokémon TV ( Pokémon Origins tells the story of the very first Pokémon video games, Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version, including the first steps of our hero Red as he sets off from Professor Oak’s laboratory. As he explores the Kanto region, he’ll encounter Team Rocket, battle his rival, and challenge the Pokémon League. Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue launched in North America in September 1998.

A brand new multiplayer map has been revealed for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Stonehaven, a new map set in a medieval castle, provides snipers with enough room to operate while also encouraging close quarters combat.

The map encompasses more than just a castle. There’s also a surrounding area with a shallow stream and a destroyed lighthouse in the background.

Stonehaven does allow for dynamic map event alternation during matches. Players are able to change the flow of the map. One example pointed out by Eurogamer allows for a gate to be closed.

Infinity Ward community manager Tina Palacios told the site:

“When we’re designing maps, we have to cater to a couple of different types of gameplay and players in their habits. We didn’t want to alienate people who love to fight in close quarters, but we needed a big map. Then we looked to Europe.”

“We always want to add a variety regardless of what the story setting may be. It’s evolved a lot over time. When we first made it we thought it would maybe be just a harbour with a bunch of ships on a sandy beach. Then it became what it is now. And we like the look much better than what we had in the past.”


PEGI has handed out a “16” rating for Call of Duty: Ghosts, despite promotional material stating otherwise.

The classification is significant for one reason in particular. Not since 2008 has a Call of Duty game – World at War – earned an equivalent rating from the BBFC. Call of Duty releases are typically tagged with an “18” rating.


Australian studio Evil Aliens has been working on a new title “Orbitor” for well over a year. It’s described as “a visually stunning action adventure game which takes place in space themed environments ranging from nebulas to complex orbital systems.”

In 2014, Nnooo intends to publish Orbitor in the US, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. There are plans to bring the title to consoles, so hopefully we’ll be seeing this one on the Wii U.

Other pertinent information about the title:

Within each space system players must control a space probe named ORBITOR to lock it onto objects, orbit them to gather speed, destroy them and collect the energy life forms they release.

The probe is an autonomous and self repairing Artificial Intelligence returning to its place of origin complete with upgraded abilities and a new mission – to stop its creator.

Circle Entertainment is continuing its strong support of the 3DS eShop. In the first half of 2014, at least five of the company’s published games will be released on the digital store.

Circle confirmed the news in a tweet sent out a short while ago:


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