[Review] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
Posted on 8 years ago by Jakob Vujovic(@jakovujo) in 3DS eShop, Reviews | 3 Comments
System: 3DS (eShop)
Release date: September 8, 2016
Developer: Capcom
Publisher Capcom
I won’t dance around saying that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is kind of a mess, albeit a lovable one. If you think too hard about the overall plot, setting aside a few genuinely good and surprising twists, it’s full of laughably bad inconsistencies and weak writing choices. However, if you shut that part of your brain off – the one that checks for internal consistency – and focus on the moment-to-moment mystery plot and absurdity of what unfolds in these courtrooms, then it’s a much better experience. In other words, Spirit of Justice is yet another Ace Attorney game made in the absence of series creator Shu Takumi.
Miyamoto says Nintendo is “interested in” amiibo on mobile
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Mobile, News | 0 comments
Thus far, we’ve seen amiibo incorporated into both Wii U and 3DS. The functionality is likely to be integrated into NX as well. But what about smart devices, which Nintendo is now supporting quite a bit?
Shigeru Miyamoto appears to be open to the idea. Speaking with IGN, Miyamoto mentioned: “There’s nothing we can announce today but it’s certainly an area we’re interested in, and today Apple announced some new news about their NFC technology.”
It’s not a confirmation, but that sounds like a very positive response. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see amiibo-supported mobile titles in the future.
More: Amiibo, interview, Shigeru Miyamoto, top
Miyamoto on how Super Mario Run came to be, 3D Mario unlikely for mobile, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
The Verge is the latest outlet with an interview focused on Super Mario Run. The site spoke with Shigeru Miyamoto, who unveiled the mobile game yesterday. Miyamoto talked about how Super Mario Run came to be, whether we’ll see a Mario game on mobile in which you have full control, and more.
Head past the break for a roundup of Miyamoto’s comments. You can read The Verge’s full piece here.
More: interview, Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto, Super Mario Run, top
Nintendo Download (9/8/16, North America) – Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, Jotun, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 5 Comments
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Wii U Download
The Gem Collector – $2.99
Jotun: Valhalla Edition – $13.49
Letter Quest: Remastered – $9.99
Rorrim – $5.00
SphereZor – $4.99
Tetraminos – $4.99
Touch Selections – $2.99
Wii Retail on Wii U
Mario Strikers Charged – $19.99
More: Nintendo Download, top, Virtual Console
Next batch of Pokemon Sun & Moon info to come on September 14th; CoroCoro soon
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
If you thought the deluge of Pokemon Sun & Moon info was going to stop anytime soon after the several new trailers we got this week, you’re sorely mistaken. The official Japanese website revealed that the next wave of new information will be released on Wednesday, September 14th, at 10 PM JST / 3 PM CEST / 9 AM EDT / 6 AM PDT. This new info will likely come in the form of a new trailer.
That’s not all, though – the next issue of CoroCoro magazine is set to be released next week as well. The magazine has previously teased that it would reveal Rockruff’s evolution, among other things, in this issue. Historically, we should get leaked scans of the issue a couple of days ahead of its official release, possibly as early as this weekend. We will keep you updated.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Pokemon GO Plus launches September 16
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 3 Comments
Pokemon GO Plus has a new release date. The accessory will launch on September 16, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company announced today.
Here’s what the device offers:
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO, top
River City: Tokyo Rumble launches September 27 in North America
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
River City: Tokyo Rumble will launch in North America on September 7, Natsume announced today. The game will be offered both physically and digitally in North America.
Those who purchase River City: Tokyo Rumble from the Natsume Amazon store will receive a limited edition Kunio keychain. We have a look at that above.
As for the game itself, here’s an overview of River City: Tokyo Rumble:
River City: Tokyo Rumble follows the story of a hot-blooded high school student named Kunio and his good friends. When a nefarious gang moves into Tokyo to try to take it over, it’s up to this self-proclaimed “fighter for justice” and his buddies to make sure the streets stay safe!
Players will punch, kick, and use a variety of weapons such as soccer balls, iron knuckles, chains, and even bicycles to knock some sense into those devious gang members. Taking on jobs, leveling up abilities, and stopping for a snack or two at local food joints are just some of the action-packed mayhem players will experience. Luckily, smiles are free!
Source: Natsume PR
More: Natsume, River City: Tokyo Rumble, top
Pokemon Sun/Moon receives another new Japanese trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
The Pokemon Company has just published another new trailer for Pokemon Sun/Moon. It’s almost entirely gameplay, but there are a few seconds of CG mixed in as well. Watch the trailer below.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Miyamoto says Super Mario Run will be on Android, but not this year
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 62 Comments
Shigeru Miyamoto appeared at Apple’s conference today to announce Super Mario Run. While the game will be on iOS first in December, it’s also slated for Android. The game just won’t be coming to the latter platform this year.
“For us, the stability of the iOS platform was important in choosing iPhones for the game,” Miyamoto mentioned to IGN. He explicitly told the site that Super Mario Run’s release on Android won’t be this year, meaning it’ll be in 2017.
More: interview, Shigeru Miyamoto, Super Mario Run, top
Nintendo’s fifth mobile game won’t be launching by March as originally planned
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 7 Comments
In recent months, Nintendo has spoken about wanting to launch five mobile games by March 2017. However, that number is now dropping to four.
We posted this in our TIME interview roundup post about Super Mario Run, but Shigeru Miyamoto told the publication that Nintendo’s plans changed due to “market conditions and the development process”. His full words:
“We’ve consistently stated a plan to launch approximately five mobile apps by the end of this fiscal year, including Miitomo. Given market conditions and the development process for each title, our current plan is to launch four total mobile titles in that period.”
Miitomo was up first, and Super Mario Run is next in December. Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing will then follow by the end of March. As for the one after that, it’s unknown what Nintendo is working on.