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As part of the latest update this week, Attack on Titan 2 added Kenny Ackerman’s hat. Check out some footage in the video below.

Doom Eternal is coming to Switch, Bethesda announced at QuakeCon today. Panic Button will be working on this version of the game, as was the case with the previous entry in the series.

Here’s a rundown of information shared during today’s presentation:

The Nintendo UK store has opened pre-orders for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Limited Edition. You can reserve the product here. In doing so, you’ll receive a steelbook.

Here’s a closer look at the steelbook:

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Nintendo has announced the next Party Crash for ARMS. Next weekend, Helix and Lola Pop will be featured in the latest event. The theme is called “Experimental Pop”.

The new ARMS Party Crash goes live on August 17. It’ll last until August 20, and we’ll have the results shortly after.



Owlboy Limited Edition

The Owlboy Limited Edition has been delayed by a few weeks in North America. Originally slated for later this month, it’ll now arrive on September 28.

Other regions will still be receiving Owlboy Limited Edition on August 31.

FuRyu is giving us a new look at its Switch RPG Work x Work with a battle group meeting video. We’ve included the brief footage below.

Nintendo UK published its own interview with Daemon X Machina producer Kenichiro Tsukuda today. Tsukuda spoke more about the game, including the story and visuals. He also teased reveals that are planned for Gamescom 2018 later this month.

The full interview can be read below:

The visual novel Nekopara Vol.1 launched on Switch just a few weeks ago. Its follow up will be on the way soon as well, CFK confirmed today.

No word on a release date yet, but Nekopara Vol.2 will indeed be released on Switch. For now, watch a trailer below.


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This Is the Police 2 is heading to Switch on September 25, THQ Nordic announced today. The game previously had a general release window of 2018.

Here’s a brief introduction and trailer:

Wired Productions shared the latest trailer for Victor Vran: Overkill Edition today. Have a look at the “I Am Victor” video below.

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