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Wii U

Earlier this week, Nintendo announced that it has teamed up with Loot Crate for a limited time amiibo subscription service. All of the figures have now been confirmed, and pricing has been revealed.

Nintendo fans have two pricing options available to them. They are as follows:

unnamed unnamed (1)

In week one, consumers will receive the Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Pikachu amiibo figures along with a collectible mini-mag plus an exclusive sticker and wristband. Yoshi, Fox, Peach, and Samus will follow in week two with another mini-mag and an exclusive cinch bag. To close things out, Luigi and Zelda will be sent in week three with yet another mini-mag and “an ultra rare t-shirt”.

You can find more information over on Loot Crate. Note that crates can only be shipped to the U.S.

Thanks to Carlos D for the tip.


Toys “R” Us will be running a slight deal on amiibo figures next week. If you buy three, you’ll be able to get them for $30.

amiibo figures will typically be priced at $12.99 (not sure why the ad above lists $13.99). So by taking advantage of the Toys “R” Us deal, you’ll save nearly $10.

The deals shown above will technically begin on November 16, and will last through November 22. But since amiibo isn’t launching until November 21, you’ll only have a couple of days to take advantage of the sale.


Following the re-announcement of Rodea: The Sky Soldier earlier this week, Kadokawa Games has refreshed the website for Rodea: The Sky Soldier. Access the page Access the new site here. There’s not much to see currently, but expect the site to be updated with plenty of content going forward.

I think the general hint today is that Sakurai would really like you to try Smash Tour:

Of course it wouldn’t be a daily without some new info:


There are three types of game boards. If you turn on the Custom Fighters option, the fighters will be preset with custom special moves. The number on a fighter’s portrait on the game board indicates which custom move set that fighter is using–this also adds to the randomness of this mode.


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