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A few days ago, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice received another round of DLC. This specifically added the Turnabout Time Traveler full-length episode. Watch some footage of it below.

Over on ShiryuGL’s YouTube channel, more footage has been shared of FAST Racing Neo’s brand new DLC. Check out a couple of videos below.

YouTube user Domtendo gives us a look at FAST Racing Neo’s DLC ahead of its imminent release. Gameplay of the Carbon Cup can be found below.

Capcom brought out the first wave of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice DLC last week, which included a short story and 3DS theme. Head past the break for a Twitch archive showing off the content.

Image & Form is preparing two new Hatbox DLC packs for SteamWorld Heist. Both are already out on Steam, but are coming soon to other platforms.

The new DLC contains thirteen hats that can be worn in battle. Three are free in the first pack, which contains winners from Image & Form’s community hat design contest. The other is “Hatful Eight + 2” – a box of ten fresh (eight are animated) hats inspired by classic sci-fi and fantasy.


More content can be downloaded in Monster Hunter Generations. Capcom has prepared the Pirate’s Booty Pack, accessible from the DLC menu.

It includes the following:

– Small Goldenfish x20
– Gunpowder x20
– Pitfall Trap x20
– Slickaxe x20

The Pirate’s Booty Pack is absolutely free, so if you have a chance, there’s no harm in grabbing it!


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is available on the 3DS eShop today. If you buy the game during the first week, you can receive a free character costume pack featuring Furio Tigre for Phoenix, a school uniform for Apollo, and a Trés Bien waitress costume for Athena. After September 14, the DLC will cost $0.99 / £0.89 / €0.99.

Capcom will release new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice throughout the rest of September each Thursday. Two short stories are on the way, each of which has a unique pixel art 3DS theme. A full-length extra episode titled “Turnabout Time Traveler” is also on the way.

Here’s the schedule:

9/15 – “Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney” short story and 3DS theme ($3.99 / £3.59 / €3.99)
9/22 – “Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney” short story and 3DS theme ( $3.99 / £3.59 / €3.99)
9/29 – “Turnabout Time Traveler” full-length extra episode ($5.99 / £5.39 / €5.99)

Watch the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice launch trailer below.

Source: Capcom PR

Just like in Japan, Capcom will make DLC available for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice overseas. Part of this encompasses costumes, and fans will have an opportunity to acquire them for free.

Capcom says that there will be “free DLC costumes for the first week”. We’ve seen alternate outfits for Phoenix Wright (Furio Tigre), Athena Cykes (Trés Bien), and Apollo Justice (old high school uniform). Sengoku Basara costumes were also released in Japan a little after launch, but it’s unknown what their status is in the west.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice launches on Thursday.

Thanks to Anthony for the tip.

We shared some footage of Toon Zelda and Link’s Sand Rod in Hyrule Warriors, but now we have some gameplay of the Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks DLC in Hyrule Warriors Legends. View it below.

Toon Zelda is out today in Hyrule Warriors (and Hyrule Warriors Legends) as the latest DLC character along with Link’s Sand Rod. Find some footage from the Wii U game below.

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