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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Original Banjo-Kazooie artist Steve Mayles has commented further on the characters’ appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and specifically their design. He was “surprised” that there weren’t any tweaks to the model. This was unlike King K. Rool, another one of Mayles’ character, who did actually receive an update in Smash Bros.

Mayles told Shesez in a recent interview:

Smash Bros. Ultimate had two major announcements at E3 2019 earlier this month. Hero from Dragon Quest, alongside Banjo-Kazooie, will be added to the game as DLC characters. They’ll be available this summer and during the fall respectively.

In the magazine’s issue this week, director Masahiro Sakurai took to the latest issue of Famitsu and discussed the new announcements in greater depth. You can find our full translation below.

Nintendo has announced the latest Spirit Board event for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. While we don’t have the official English name yet, we do know that Metroid is the theme this week.

Given the theme, spirits from the Metroid series will be appearing while the event is live. You can earn more SP than usual by defeating relevant spirits.


Banjo-Kazooie is finally back with Nintendo again as a new DLC character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Steve Mayles, who created the N64 duo, spoke about what it was like to learn about the reveal in an interview with YouTube channel Shesez.

Mayles said:

Nintendo has announced the latest Smash Bros. Ultimate Spirit Board event. This week, the theme is “Talk to the Cape!” in which characters donning capes will be appearing. Players who defeat them will receive more gold than usual.

The latest Smash Bros. Ultimate Spirit Board event should kick off on Friday. Like past events, look for it to last a few days.


Hello my beautiful Banjos and Kazooies! This week is post E3, and we have so much to talk about, it’s not even fair to our monthly data cap! Oni talks first-hand experiences on the Show Floor and discusses the entirety of the Nintendo E3 Direct and then some with Galen!

Part way through the episode, Galen suddenly had a swig of idiot juice and started being wrong about everything, but Oni keeps him on track as he recalls Eiji Aonuma’s old plans for new gameplay in Breath of the Wild. The gang may have figured out how the sequel is gonna go! Or at least they’d like to think they have… Check below the break for the full details!

To celebrate E3, we’re doing double content all month long! Mostly. We hope you’re enjoying! The best way to support our show is to recommend the podcast to others, and rate us 5 stars on iTunes! We really appreciate all the support you’ve given us throughout the show.

Thank you so much for listening!

Nintendo has come out with two new “My Way” commercials for Switch. View adverts for Super Mario Maker 2 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate below.

We have another look at Banjo-Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate straight from Nintendo. This time around, we get to see one of the character’s alternate colors. Check out the screenshot above.


Following up on the Link’s Awakening hype from yesterday’s Direct, a new Spirit Board event titled “Let’s go to that island again!” will go live in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this upcoming weekend.

This event will actually run for five days this time, and will include Spirits that are themed around Link’s Awakening — including the new model for Link as well.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is going all out for Banjo-Kazooi’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Original Grant Kirkhope is on board, and is even contributing new music for the DLC.

In an interview with VGC, Kirkhope explained how he got involved. Here’s what he shared with the site:

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