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Stealth Inc seemed like the furthest thing from a Wii U eShop release when it came out in 2013. The PlayStation versions came and went, and there was no word on a release for Nintendo’s console.

Still, when time for planning a sequel came around, something within Curve Studios clicked. This led to the company announcing Stealth Inc 2 as a Wii U exclusive – at least for the time being – back in May, which surprised quite a number of folks. For Wii U owners though, it’s great news.

We sat down via email (wait a second…) with Rob Clarke from Curve Studios to ask about Stealth Inc 2, working on Wii U, and the company’s other beloved gaming baby Fluidity. I think you’ll enjoy much of what they have to say:

In a recent interview with gamestm, Masahiro Sakurai speaks to his passion for his upcoming title Super Smash Bro’s for Wii U and 3DS.

“It really is a miracle,” beams an ebullient Sakurai to the gathered room of journalists. “[We have] four of the most famous characters in the video game industry on the same screen battling each other. The only game that makes this possible is Super Smash Bros.”

“And, just between you and me,” he adds, leaning towards the crowd as if to whisper in the ear of each participant, “I’m aiming to make this the number one character game in the world.”

Nintendo Everything recently caught up with Ronimo’s Jasper Koning via email. Of course, we asked several questions about the studio’s recently-announced Wii U exclusive Swords & Soldiers II. Koning also commented on whether Ronimo considered going the Kickstarter route with its game, the possibility of Awesomenauts on Wii U, future support for the system, and more.

You can find our full interview with Ronimo after the break!

With Leuvision’s Kickstarter for Twisted Fusion launching today, we caught up with creator Lewis Pugh to talk a bit more about the game.

Pugh shared more details about the Wii U eShop-exclusive, including a Kid Icarus-like difficulty system, additional weapons, enemies, and importance of the Kickstarter campaign. He also discussed the possibility of bringing Leuvision’s mobile titles to Wii U and working with the Nintendo Web Framework.

Head past the break for our mini interview!

We were recently given the opportunity to interview Nic Watt, founder/creative director for Nnooo. Watt tackled questions about Blast ‘Em Bunnies, escapeVektor, the eShop, and more.

Head past the break for our full interview.

A couple of weeks ago, Stick it to the Man was confirmed for Wii U. We caught up with Zoink founder Klaus Lyngeled following publisher Ripstone’s announcement to find out more about the game. We also asked about WeeWaa, interest in the 3DS, and more.

You’ll find our full interview with Lyngeled after the break.

With Yumi’s Odd Odyssey’s North American launch just on the horizon, we spoke with Natsume’s Graham Markay and Kiyoshi Sakai, one of the series’ original developers. Topics include the game’s digital-only release, returning to the franchise after it had been dormant for so many years, and more. We also asked Natsume about a few other things such as Virtual Console and Wii U support.

We’ve split up the interview into a couple of pages – you’ll find Markay’s comments below and Sakai’s remarks on page two.

Circle Entertainment recently revealed to Nintendo Everything that the publisher will be bringing Quell Reflect to the eShop. The company’s Chris Chau (producer) as well as FK Digital developers Mickey Lin (director) and Aloner Chiu (assistant director/planner) shared more details about the game in a recent interview. 

Head past the break for our full discussion. Along with Quell Reflect, we asked about Wii U, interest in retail, and the Chinese market.

Muteki Corporation recently revealed to Nintendo Everything that it will soon be bringing Dragon Fantasy: Book I (as well as Book II) to the 3DS eShop. We spoke with creative director Adam Rippon to learn about what’s new in the 3DS release, whether or not we can expect more 3DS support from the studio in the future, and a whole lot more. Continue on below for our full discussion.

Jack and I recently had the opportunity to interview Manabu Yamana, the president and representative director of Genius Sonority. The Denpa Men, EarthBound creator Shigesato Itoi, and former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi were among the topics discussed. Head past the break for our full interview with Yamana.

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