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Planning on downloading Pikmin 3 instead of going the retail route? Then you’ll need 5GB of storage space. An additional 31MB is required for saves. Note that there’s only one save slot per user.

Pikmin 3’s Japanese Wii U eShop page also mentions Internet connectivity for uploading online scores of some sort. You’ll also be able to send screenshots through Miiverse – something that was announced previously.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Earth Defense Force 2025 (PS3/360) – 9/8/8/9
Toriko: Gourmet Battle (3DS) – 8/8/7/8
Mame Goma Happy! Sweets Farm (3DS) – 7/7/6/7

Puissance Nintendo posted its interview with Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai, which was conducted at E3 2013. Sakurai talked about how the Wii U and 3DS versions came to be, DLC, patching, why the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer made it in, and more. Sakurai’s comments can be found below.

Sakurai on how the new Smash Bros. came to be and differences between the two versions…

While the development of Kid Icarus: Uprising was at its end, Satoru Iwata came me propose to develop the new Smash Bros game, and asked me if he should be on 3DS or Wii U. We were arrived at a point where the series could not evolve too, and we wondered if the passage on handheld console was the solution. In the past, we have increased the number of characters and arenas, but this was not enough.

Famitsu has pulled back the curtain on a brand new area in Monster Hunter 4. Players will be able to explore the underground volcano, a field with severe conditions. It may be dangerous, but it’s a treasure trove of rare ore.

Several monsters have been confirmed for the underground volcano, including Basarios, Iodrome, Teostra, and Gravios.

More details about Monster Hunter 4’s underground volcano should be coming soon.

Update: Clarified some things, added in details.

A new drama game has been announced for the 3DS in this week’s Famitsu. “SPEC”, according to the magazine, is a title that mixes visual novel aspects and command-based adventure gameplay with character sprites.

SPEC is scheduled to hit Japan on October 25 for 5,480 yen. Namco Bandai will be publishing the game.

– Based on the comedy film SPEC: Heaven
– Movie is about two high IQ detective and her distinguished partner who solve cases by postulating the “SPEC” of criminals in order to arrest them
– Original writer of the film Yumie Nishiogi, producers Hiroki Ueda and Natsuki Imai are supervising
– Game has automatic feed for texts, backlog, glossary and tips
– The starring actors from the movie, Erika Toda and Ryo Kase, will be making appearances for a photo op
– Unclear if they’ll be part of it or if the game will follow the same storyline


Crash City Mayhem may finally be launching in North America next week. Amazon lists a July 2 release, as does Nintendo’s website.

Retailer listings originally suggested a May arrival for Crash City Mayhem, but we’re now nearly in July. Here’s hoping the July 2 date sticks.

Kokuga will be hitting the North American 3DS eShop later this week. According to the game’s official website, its release is planned for June 27 – Thursday, in other words. A listing on Nintendo’s website lists a $14.99 price point for Kokuga.

Source, Via

Ubisoft announced two next-generation games at E3 2013 – The Crew and The Division – but neither was confirmed for Wii U. There was always hope of both titles hitting the console, however. Remember: it took ages for Ubisoft to confirm Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Watch_Dogs for Wii U.

Unfortunately, it’s sounding unlikely that Ubisoft will be putting The Crew and The Division on Wii U. When asked about the possibility of the two games coming to Nintendo’s new system, a source speaking with The Examiner said: “I’m not sure, but I seriously doubt it.”

We normally wouldn’t be keen on posting rumors from anonymous sources, but today’s speculation comes from a site that leaked details on The Crew prior to its reveal at E3 2013 earlier this month.


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