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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is getting DLC, but probably not in the way most would have expected. Two multiplayer parts are planned – the first by the end of April and the second by the end of July. This is somewhat surprising, as Luigi’s Mansion 3 is mainly looked upon fondly for its single-player experience.

In an interview with Kotaku, a few developrers weighed in on why Luigi’s Mansion 3 won’t be seeing any single-player DLC. Creative director Bryce Holliday explained:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just wrapped its first Fighters Pass. Undoubtedly, one of the highlights was the inclusion of Banjo-Kazooie. Nintendo ended up working with Microsoft and Rare, which wasn’t always the likeliest collaboration.

In an interview with GamesIndustry, Rare head Craig Duncan spoke about how Banjo-Kazooie ended up in the game. Duncan told the site:

After a number of years out of the spotlight, the Brain Age series finally returned on Switch recently. Dr. Kawashima as well as Nintendo explained how the game came to be in a recent interview.

Producer Kouichi Kawamoto, director Kenta Kubo, and Kawashima shared the following, as translated by Siliconera:

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection was originally planned for January 21. However, Capcom ended up announcing a delay, and it will now ship on February 25 instead.

Capcom producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya spoke about the delay in an interview with Siliconera. Additionally, Tsuchiya touched on the fan response and how the related video was suggested by Capcom USA.

Tsuchiya said:

Nintendo logo

Reggie Fils-Aime recently appeared on the Present Value podcast. The former Nintendo of America president discussed his time at the Big N in-depth, and at one point, was asked about what companies need to think about when building a brand.

Reggie spoke about Nintendo becoming a powerhouse in the gaming industry and how it was a team effort – specifically a “high-functioning, strong leadership team that disagreed in private but was aligned in public and drove the business forward.” He also discussed an experience he had in which Nintendo of America was taking the company’s well-known logo in different directions to try and appeal to an older demographic. This is when he was first starting out. However, Reggie realized that in order to appeal to a mainstream audience, they needed “to do it based on what the brand stood for, and not doing it in some false way.”

Reggie’s full words:

Fans have always embraced former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. There are many reasons for that, but memorable quotes, moment, and memes certainly plays a part of that.

During a recent episode of the Present Value podcast, Reggie weighed in on what becoming a meme means to him. Here’s what he shared on that front:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons isn’t the only big game launching on March 20. Doom Eternal, which was originally scheduled for last November, is now due out alongside Nintendo’s juggernaut title.

Doom Eternal director Hugo Martin only had positive things to say about that during an interview with GameSpot. Martin only wants other games and studios to do well, and he’s personally “excited” to play the new Animal Crossing in a couple of months.

Many characters have been rumored for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as DLC fighters, which have been perpetuated by internet speculation. Doom Slayer from the Doom series is one such representative that some have wondered about possibly ending up in the Switch game.

Doom Eternal developer Marty Stratton addressed those rumors directly in an interview with Metro. According to the director, there have been light discussions, but they’ve “never gone anywhere serious”. While Nintendo hasn’t asked the team about putting Doom Slayer in Smash Bros., they’re “open-minded”.

Here’s the full exchange between Metro and Stratton:

Doom Eternal

When Doom Eternal was announced, the original goal was to have the Switch version out alongside all other versions. Unfortunately, that will no longer be happening.

A delay for Doom Eternal was announced last year. Whereas it was originally slated for November, the initial release will now take place in March instead. However, we still don’t actually have an exact date for the Switch version.

In a recent interview, id Software’s Marty Stratton commented on the Switch delay. Stratton also said that it’ll be launching “a bit later” on Nintendo’s console, though did not provide a more specific window.

Capcom seems to be doing more with Mega Man now than it has in awhile. Mega Man 11 came out in 2018 after the series had been mostly dormant, and we’ve seen a bunch of collections as of late. Even the Mega Man Zero / ZX titles are receiving some attention with the latest collection due out next month.

However, one Mega Man sub-series that hasn’t been touched in many years is Mega Man Battle Network. As part of a lengthy interview with Tokyo TV, developers Masakazu Eguchi and Kazuhiro Tsuchiya addressed the possibility of a new entry.

Here’s what the two had to say, as translated by Rockman Corner:

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