Pokken Tournament – Diggersby Land stage revealed
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Videos, Wii U | 7 Comments
A new Pokken Tournament stage has been revealed as part of today’s new coverage of the Wii U version. In the video below, you’ll get a first look at Diggersby Land.
More: Bandai Namco, Pokken Tournament, top
Tons of Pokken Tournament Wii U footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
Several videos have come in showing the Wii U version of Pokken Tournament. We’ve rounded them up below.
More: Bandai Namco, Pokken Tournament, top
The Pokemon Company not saying if Shadow Mewtwo is canon
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
Shadow Mewtwo was created in close collaboration with the minds behind Pokemon for Pokken Tournament. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the creature is a canonical part of the overall universe.
In an interview with Polygon, Pokken Tournament producer Masaaki Hoshino said:
“When we were originally coming up with the design, we worked very closely with The Pokémon Company and Game Freak to make sure everything was right. What happened was, we at Bandai Namco had the idea of making a really cool dark-colored Mewtwo, so we had one of our designers take a crack at it and then presented that to The Pokémon Company and Game Freak. They all thought it looked really cool, so then we worked together to brush it up.”
“Because everyone really liked Shadow Mewtwo, I have a personal hope that they’ll continue to use it, but it’s not really our decision, unfortunately.”
Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, who is also working on Pokken Tournament, weighed in as well:
“For this game, it is kind of a spin-off from the main series. It takes place in this area called the Ferrum Region, which means something like ‘Iron Region,’ playing back into the Tekken connection. So, within the context of this spin-off, [Shadow Mewtwo] is obviously a canonical character. Of course, how The Pokémon Company and Game Freak decide to use the character is up to them, but I think Mr. Hoshino’s passion for the character might inspire them and encourage them to use it!”
Polygon also reached out to The Pokemon Company and asked if Shadow Mewtwo can be considered canon. To that, a representative said “No comment.”
Media Create sales (2/8/16 – 2/14/16)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U | 39 Comments
The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:
PS4 – 27,576
New 3DS LL – 19,691
Vita – 17,104
New 3DS – 4,695
Wii U – 3,933
3DS – 2,717
PS3 – 1,633
3DS LL – 452
Xbox One – 101
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
PS4 – 31,058
Vita 23,090
New 3DS LL – 19,991
New 3DS – 4,389
Wii U – 3,939
3DS – 2,705
PS3 – 1,715
3DS LL – 459
Xbox One – 286
And here are the software charts:
1. [3DS] Shin Megami Tensei IV Final – 96,349 / NEW
2. [PSV] Dragon Quest Builders – 24,536 / 248,943
3. [PS4] Valkyria Chronicles Remastered – 24,156 / NEW
4. [PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 16,434 / 190,587
5. [PS3] Dragon Quest Builders – 13,233 / 85,538
6. [WIU] Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – 13,095 / 86,283
7. [PS4] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 – 12,187 / 76,633
8. [WIU] Splatoon – 11,039 / 1,251,264
9. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters – 9,297 / 2,203,034
10. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 6,454 / 660,143
11. [3DS] Monster Hunter X – 8,902 / 2,683,815
12. [3DS] Monster Strike – 7,477 / 795,122
13. [WIU] Super Mario Maker – 5,186 / 795,531
14. [3DS] Hyrule Warriors Legends – 5,104 / 81,442
15. [PS3] Yakuza: Kiwami – 4,973 / 90,234
16. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami – 4,204 / 135,766
17. [PS4] Rainbow Six Siege – 3,912 / 72,504
18. [PS4] Call of Duty: Black Ops III – 3,483 / 294,464
19. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus – 3,433 / 650,961
20. [PS4] GTA V (4,990 Yen Edition) – 3,283 / 72,494
More: Japan, Media Create, news, sales, top, Wii U charts
All data you lose when deleting your Nintendo Account
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 22 Comments
It’s an entirely possible to delete a Nintendo Account. Doing so will result in the major loss of information, however.
When attempting to ditch a Nintendo Account, Nintendo warns users that they’ll lose a whole bunch of data. This includes your “mission status”, points, and rewards with My Nintendo, digital content purchased/required that is linked to your Nintendo Account, save/user data of apps linked, and special offers.
You can find more support information regarding Nintendo Accounts here.
More: Nintendo Account, top
Miitomo pre-registration open
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in General Nintendo, Mobile, News | 26 Comments
Nintendo has gone live with pre-registration for Miitomo. Get involved by visiting the page here, clicking the “Pre-register” button, and then creating or logging in to your Nintendo Account.
All users who pre-register a Nintendo Account to Miitomo will automatically receive My Nintendo Platinum points. My Nintendo and Miitomo are both launching sometime next month.
Register for your Nintendo Account right now
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 54 Comments
It’s now possible to register for a Nintendo Account. This functionality was previously made available in Japan towards the very end of 2015, but has now opened for gamers around the world.
Simply visit the link here. You can then sign up with your Nintendo Network ID, Facebook, Google Plus, or Twitter login. Alternatively, it’s possible to make a Nintendo Account entirely from scratch.
More: Nintendo Account, top
Kotaro Uchikoshi unveiling Zero Time Dilemma during GDC 2016
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 4 Comments
Update: Uchikoshi has now clarified that it won’t be at GDC itself. It’ll just be taking place during GDC.
I'm sorry if I confused you. The place is not at the site of GDC. We will do that at different place. Just during GDC.
— Kotaro Uchikoshi Eng (@Uchikoshi_Eng) February 16, 2016
It won’t be much longer until we receive a proper update about Zero Time Dilemma. On Twitter, Kotaro Uchikoshi announced that he’ll be attending the Game Developers Conference for an “unveiling presentation”.
Uchikoshi’s tweet is as follows:
I will visit San Francisco for unveiling presentation about ZTD to during GDC next month.
— Kotaro Uchikoshi Eng (@Uchikoshi_Eng) February 16, 2016
GDC 2016 runs between March 14 and March 18.
[Review] Project X Zone 2
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Reviews | 7 Comments
System: 3DS
Release date: February 16, 2016
Developer: Monolith Soft
Publisher Bandai Namco
The original Project X Zone that released back in 2013 was a pleasant surprise to fans of Capcom, SEGA, and Bandai Namco alike. It brought characters from each respective publisher into a strategy RPG format where they band together and go across space and time to defeat villains across multiple series, as well as original characters, to save the world from collapsing into itself through the constant overlapping dimensions colliding. Project X Zone 2 doesn’t veer to far from the original, featuring a lot of the same characters, maps, stories, and more. It almost makes this feel like more of an expansion than a true sequel, but that’s not such a bad thing. The fan service of bringing all these iconic characters into one game is what keeps an experience like this special, and the humor on top is a bonus throughout.
More: Bandai Namco, highlight, Monolith Soft, Project X Zone 2, top
January 2016 NPD: Estimated Wii U sales, Mario & Luigi and Final Fantasy Explorers sales
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 8 Comments
More information is in from this month’s NPD report. We have sales data from the United States for one of Nintendo’s systems as well as two games.
First, in terms of hardware, Wii U sold roughly 40,000 units. Debut sales for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam and Final Fantasy Explorers also came in at 71,000 and 53,000 copies respectively.
With the games, it’s important to remember that digital sales are not included. They also launched pretty late in January, so they only have about a week of data.