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Nintendo of Europe has prepared a brand new gameplay video for Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country. Check out the video below.

Diablo III Eternal Collection

Having Diablo III on Switch was something that Blizzard and Nintendo were both mutually interested in. The team at Blizzard wanted to make it happen after playing the system so much, and the Big N was apparently “pumped” to see it happen.

Blizzard associate producer Matthew Cederquist told Game Informer:

When The World Ends with You: Final Remix was announced for Switch, Square Enix teased new content including an additional scenario for the game. Famitsu provided a first look in this week’s issue, which has since been quickly added to the Japanese website. We’ve now translated all of the relevant details.

First up, we have an introduction to Coco. She was previously in The World Ends With You: Live Remix and The World Ends with You: Solo Remix, but seems to play more of a role this time around.

Do my eyes deceive me or has the Switch become the new perma-home for perma-death games? For me, there is no doubt that since the Switch launched, I have developed an obsession with playing my go to rogue-like for a few minutes before bed. Those few minutes quickly turn into hours if I’m not careful, which is why these games really should come with a ‘bed time’ warning. During my insomnia I made the decision to write a list of some of my favorite rogue-like games to sneak their way onto the Switch. I’d love for you all to join the conversation and tell us about your favorite rogue-like games in the comments!

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Senran Kagura Reflexions, which initially launched in Japan last year, will arrive on Switch in the west next month. That’s according to a new listing on the North American eShop, which has dated the game.

The listing has the following overview:

Nintendo of Europe has prepared a new Daemon X Machina video from Gamescom 2018 that shows new gameplay. Check it out below.

A Nintendo Switch Nindies Showcase Summer 2018 presentation will be held next week, Nintendo has announced. The broadcast will be held next week – August 28.

The presentation will go live at the following times:


Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Blade Strangers – $39.99 (available August 28)
de Blob 2 – $29.99 (available August 28)
Little Dragons CafĂ© – $59.99 (available August 24)
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – $59.99 (available August 28)
Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition – $13.49 (available August 24)
Victor Vran Overkill Edition – $39.99 (available August 28)

The Nintendo Switch Online website has updated with a notable piece of information. For the NES games included with the subscription service, it will be possible to voice chat during play sessions. That’ll be done through the Nintendo Switch Online app.

Nintendo’s website states:

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